We've been pretty lucky with illness so far, but that was inevitable to change and last weekend was the time for it all to go down.
This may be unrelated, but... Our plan now is that Ritsy will go back to work a little earlier than originally planned (due to lack of work coming in for me so far this year) and our minds have been on a weaning strategy. She will start just about a month and a half earlier- meaning her total time off will have been exactly a year. We have already started to cut back on the breast milk, and stepped up the regular meal quantities. He has a healthy appetite too. But maybe the cutback in Momma's milk lowered his immune system a bit.
He started in with a bit of a fever late Thursday and that increased up to about 38.5 degrees roughly. That made for a lot of crying and lots of waking up at night. A long couple of days. The next day we took him to the clinic and he got a suppository (poor guy) to lower his temperature. He never had fever again after that. But then he progressed on to have a number of little spot all over his body.
Also about the same time he developed Thrush. What is thrush? In our mouths and some other areas of the body a fungus exists quite peacefully called candida. When his fever broke or he got some antibiotics(timing a bit hazy now) the fungus was allowed to grow making a white cheesey substance in his mouth. Today was the first day his mouth looked totally clean to me. And also, spot free.Now he has a bit of a cold, but is basically normal again.
A bit of a rough weekend last week for us, but it was a good experience and crucial in building the little guy's immune system!
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