Saturday, July 24, 2010

New Years Eve

New Years Eve in Japan is always fun, I have probably talked before about Hatsumode- people like to pray for good luck for the year at a local temple or shrine. So I wanted to take Steve to a local worship spot to experience NYE Hamamatsu style. We settled on this temple (forgetting name) up in the hills, as we could see the lighting from below.
All the lanterns were lit lending a warm feeling to a pretty chilly night actually.
Luckily at the top, they were serving warm Amazake- immature, sweet sake. Drinking of this is a tradition for New Years.
There was also a nice warm fire by which we could stand and warm our bones.
Snow is a rare site in Hamamatsu- on this evening snow danced around in the air as we took in the ambiance.
The shrine for praying. Just to hedge my bets, I made a quick wish for Mona's safe and quick delivery.
Snow falling on cedars.
Steve was enjoying the scene and took many pictures.
Alas it was time to head down and call her a day.

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