Thursday, November 27, 2008

Setsuko's Wedding Part 2

After the knot had been proverbial tied, it was time to eat, drink and be merry. Ken's date was "Pengy" the squeaky Penguin toy.
Ken had a good chance to practice his finger food skills. Thank goodness for bread! There was a lot of Eye Candy for him in the form of cutlery that was a constant battle to keep out of his hands.
They cut the cake, but now that I think about it, where did all those yummy profiteroles go? I never had one...
Two handsome guys.
Pengy was hitting the sauce a little too hard.
We finally managed to squeeze in for a photo op. I'm glad Ritsy and I had a small wedding, these poor saps didn't have a chance to touch their food.
Ritsy, Ken, Setsuko and her son Yuuki.
Yochhan was overcome with emotion (and alcohol) and got a little emotional to wrap up the festivities. A very nice day all in all.


Bianca said...

I like your blog and Ken is so sweet!
I have two boys(twins) and I live in Hamamatsu from 2000.

Todd L said...

Thanks Bianca, glad you enjoyed finding my blog.

Sadly I can't read Portugese so well, but I did enjoy the pictures of your children in your blog!

Bianca said...

Thank you,but is not portugese,is roumanian.But is ok...thank you to visit my blog.