Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Filling in the cracks

Ken has really come a long way since coming back from Vancouver. Here are some pics and tales to fill the gap between when we arrived back in Hamamatsu and we went to the Matsuri.
Pretty soon after we arrived back he started to sprout a couple of teeth- so the drooling and gumming of everything in site stepped up.
Ritsy had an old friend over to bring her little cute baby as well (forgetting his name now).
They didn't really interact very much just sort of took turns crying and soiling their diapers. It was fun to see the two together all the same.
Ken really started getting pretty vocal about his inability to move around more freely but he kept trying.
And at last he could do it! One day he just started crawling and trying to lift himself up more. A little clumsy at first, but it was a great start!

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