Monday, February 12, 2007

Movie day

My secret weapon, Arec Barwin
The wife and I hooked up with my sister-in-law to watch the movie The Departed at the theater this afternoon. Yep, that is how far behind the North American movie scene we are here, I think this movie was out 3-5 months ago back in Canada!

I really enjoyed the movie. I think it is Scorsese at his best. His best is not easy to stomach for everyone - it is usually very violent and there will be some scenes that are tough to watch. But the pace is always quick, the characters are usually well defined and he shows his love for classic films with scene-setting camera tricks and a great attention to detail. I'd have to say that DiCaprio, Nicholson and Wahlberg all gave performances that will stick out in my mind. I especially liked Mark Wahlberg's character who was always abrasive but so much so that I couldn't help laughing at every one-liner he spat out. Matt Damon was also good but I don't know if his performance stands out above the one he gave in "Good Will Hunting". Chase from 24 was also alright, though not spectacular, he didn't seem so out of place with the great performances going on around him. I also was impressed on the story twist, instead of a Cat and Mouse chase to find the rat, it was a mouse and mouse chess match, as the Police Rat tries to sniff out the mafia rat. Unfortunately the wife and her sister didn't like it as much, could have something to do with the negative outcome for some of the likable characters in the movie.

Speaking of 24- I guess Scott and Benita are mourning the loss of Curtis in the early part of the season. I hope you are still watching!

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