Monday, July 2, 2007

Happy Canada Day (Oh! Canada! issue 1)

Okay this is almost late as there is about 10 minutes left in Canada Day in Vancouver, but late is better than never. Well as Canada likes to do things just a little bit better than our neighbours to the south, we beat them by 3 days to celebrate our great country- picking the 1st of July for the event. In honour of my great countries birthday I will do a special entry in the style of my "That's Japan" Posts- I like to call Oh! Canada! (meant to be said while rolling your eyes into the back of your head)

Whether you imagine Canada as a vast land covered in a thick sheet of ice, or populated towns filled with people wearing Roots and drinking Maple Syrup lattes, chances are you have never been there. Let's get right down to it!
1. Donuts; While for most of my life I had thought that the love of donuts was more of an East Coast of Canada characteristic, it seems that recently Canada's biggest food chain, a donut shop named after a former Defenceman for the Toronto Maple Leafs has finally managed to get a foothold in Vancouver as well. Tim Hortons is a national staple, probably more Canadians eat their donuts and drink their delicious coffee than people use Maple Syrup or eat spring salmon.
2. We do say 'eh?' a lot. I never noticed this living back home, but the word 'eh?' tends to escape from my mouth at a rate of once per every 2-3 sentences. There is nothing to be ashamed about, most cultures have a version of it, Aussies (and sometimes Americans) say "hey?", in Japan the say 'ne?', well you get the idea. so give us a break already, eh?
3. Mounties. The National Police force in Canada is called the RCMP- short for Royal Canadian Mounted Police. So often when depicted in movies, the usually bumbling police officers show up riding their horses (Untouchables...). Well I have only ever seen a cop on a horse on special occasions or in select areas like parks and beaches. While their history is on horses, they do in fact have cars now.

I wanted to get to my usual 5 points, but time constraints ( I have to go to work now) mean that I can only post 3 at this time. I will get back to my beautiful country in the not too distant future. Happy Birthday Canada!

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