Saturday, January 13, 2007

Bits and Pieces

Today was the first day back to teaching the children at ESL College. Sometimes I really notice how far the kids are coming or am surprised at what they remember from the classes. The kids are always cute, but I was blown away today at the progress not only the students I taught, Koki and Sana have made, but also some of the younger ones too. Today was one of the days I was happy walking out of there. Of course it's not always like that.

Tonight the wife decided to give the cats a shower. Unfortunately I didn't think to take a picture of Lanny when she was wet, but Santa looked pretty danged funny coming out of the shower.

And here is the after pics of Santa and Lanny looking clean. Of course Santa is still wet, 2 hours later, he has so much fur...

We watched Good Will Hunting on tv tonight. I really liked that movie. I find it hard to believe that Ben Afleck had anything to do with writing that script though and the makers of the Family Guy agree with me as witnessed here (Caution before clicking the link, fart humour). It's just too smart to be him, though Matt Damon looks like he isn't the brightest candle (hence his only lines in Team America: World Police- "Matt Damon!") but I can buy him being the smart one of the two. Also great performance by Robin Williams - he really showed the undertones of anger and delivered some great lines in that movie. If you haven't seen it, I recommend to watch it.

Well time to hit the hay!

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